A friend once told her son: Do you know who’s the original avenger? It’s God. She then shared verses from Psalms. Yes, it is true. God is…
Marlene Go
This dinner meal was a make-over leftover from lunch. We had white cut chicken aka Chinese poached chicken aka Cantonese poached chicken (Bai Qie Ji) for lunch.…
In an episode of the TV series of the New Amsterdam, the story of the depressed American Chinese youth, Amy who stepped off the subway platform onto…
“Confess your sins to one another…” This phrase kept repeating in my mind recently. Why? It’s because I did it. How was it? I broke out in…
Deuteronomy 2929 The secret things belong to the Lord our God, but the things revealed belong to us and to our children forever, that we may follow…
Don’t waste your cancer. John Piper wrote this on the eve of his cancer surgery to help people coping with cancer – patients or friends/family of patients.…
Do u know faith takes practice? By myself, i cannot ‘not’ worry. But God is faithful. He helps me to grow my faith. When I first got…
In the Bible, Isaac and Rebecca played favourites. Isaac favoured Esau while Rebecca loved Jacob more. Jacob loved Joseph most; Benjamin next because these were sons of…
The Queen’s Gambit is a 2020 Netflix drama series about a girl who’s a chess genius. She can play against multiple players, anticipate, memorise their moves and…
What’s on your mind, Marlene? Facebook asked. “Let the Spirit visit you.” said my professor… his tip on what to write about. More and more, I see…