Secret things; Revealed things

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Deuteronomy 29
29 The secret things belong to the Lord our God, but the things revealed belong to us and to our children forever, that we may follow all the words of this law.

At the memorial service of my pastor aunt (Ah-Koh,姑母), a friend shared that when people asked Ah-Koh questions she did not know answers for, she would quote this verse.

Indeed while the Bible teaches and shows us many things about God’s character, principles for living, causes and effects, truths and consequences, etc., there are mysteries and unexplained dilemma. Many things we might not understand and things which the Bible does not say.

Today social media and internet access feed us so much information that we often share without much thought because we believe in its accuracy. We take their words for it. We trust that scientists or medical experts know what they’re doing and saying. We do not ask for explanations all the time to certain phenomena. Neither do we need them to show us the steps, or proofs of what they’re saying.

God is so much wiser and capable than all the scientists and experts in the world. He is the Creator of all the earth. He knows what He’s doing. He holds the whole world in His hands. He shows us just what we need to know. Secret things which belong to Him, perhaps best stay with Him. We do not need to burden ourselves with everything because He takes care of it. What He chooses to show us is what is important. These things are ours to keep – they do not expire, they cannot be stolen, and they have practical use in our daily living. The goal is for us to ‘follow all the words of this law.’

We follow by faith – believing God is wise… too wise to be mistaken. We trust that He loves us. He gives us His only begotten Son, Jesus to die for our sins on the cross. God loves us so much He is patiently waiting for us to return to him from our wondering ways. He forgives when we confess our sins and ask forgiveness in the name of Jesus. We receive all His gifts – His goodness, His love, His peace by faith – believing and accepting Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior.

Hebrews 11:1 Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.

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