I am often amazed at God’s humor: bringing together my mom and dad. One is hard of hearing and the other loves to talk. I used to visit them every …
How do you feel if a friend offended you – say bad things behind your back? I felt sad and disappointed. Indeed a wrong done often causes grief and pain. …
“When your parent becomes your child’ is the title of the book a friend gave me. The author shared the challenges of taking care of his ageing mom. Indeed in …
One morning years ago, I couldn’t get the car engine to start after i pushed the on button. I thought I got the wrong key. Pushed the button 2x, nothing.. …
But Ruth replied, “Don’t urge me to leave you or to turn back from you. Where you go I will go, and where you stay I will stay. Your people …
The Lamb of God is one of many titles given to Jesus. What and how do saints in Christian history say and explain about Jesus being the Lamb of God? …
Humbly humiliated… Humility is defined as lack of false pride; antonyms are conceit and vanity. Jesus is our model for living a life of humility. He exemplified this virtue by …
One time at the doc clinic, I noticed there are stacks of books on the side tables near the sofa. One book caught my eye: Conversational Evangelism. The doctor put …
The COVID lockdown messed me up my mental and emotional health in the first couple of months. I struggled with anxiety and paranoia. In the initial days, I often thought …
Moses, when you hear his name, what comes to mind? The baby, found by the Egyptian princess in the Nile? Crossing the Red Sea? The Ten Plagues? Of all his …
One of my early visions of papa is of him carrying my school bag to put beside my seat when I was in elementary. I believe he’s the only father …
Question: Have u ever thought about how people will feel when u leave them? I have. What do I think about it? I’ve wondered and thought… would they feel sad …