A-bi, di yah bo ui-h ah o? (A-bi, you’re so busy)
Our house guest said this to me many times for the past 3 days. Yes, it was hectic – buying and giving, eating and meeting…
All the buzz and fuss of the season makes me wonder how restful and peaceful it must be at the first Christmas. The presence of lowly shepherds, wise kings and the heavenly host – celebrating the presence of the Present – the God-sent Gift to mankind. No carol except that of angels… no pomp and circumstance except that of awed shepherds… gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh offered with a heart of wonder and worship…

How am I celebrating the Presence today?
1) What presents am I giving and receiving? Am I present in His Presence?
2) Am I so busy in the season; I forget the Reason?
More than food, more than gifts, more than words, more than greetings… let me give time – time to listen, time to hold hands, to hug, time to pat another’s shoulders, time to be attentive and encourage, time to really love and be loved, time to show love and receive love… How?
Time to be still – be still and talk to Jesus, listen to the Spirit as He talks to me. Time to linger in His Presence… time to present the Reason for the Season with my presence…time to be occupied with Him!
How about you, friend? What are you busy about?
~my devo journal written 12/16/2015