Hope in Covid Times

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This morning, I woke with a sense of sadness and helplessness… sad for my suffering & grieving friends.. sadder still that there seems to be nothing I can do to lessen the suffering or the grief.

In the past 2 days, bad news abound one after the other. A friend lost both parents within 5 days. My godfather lost his nephew – son of his elderly sister. More friends and their families are testing positive, in isolation, in quarantine, in hospitals, in pain, in fear/anxiety, in grief, in great suffering.

A colleague of my doc-daughter is re-admitted, hospitalised again. Abi’s compassionate doctor-friend returned to work even when she was not completely well because her colleagues are overworked and the hospital understaffed.

Amidst the sadness, I find hope in the story of Joseph. These words stood out for me today: “The Lord was with Joseph.” (Gen. 39:2,3,5,21,23)

Joseph was betrayed by his brothers. Alone in a strange land, from being a favored son, he became a slave. From being a trusted servant, he became a prisoner for a crime he did not commit. Joseph prospered in all he did wherever he was because God was with him. God caused people to show favor to Joseph as a slave and as a prisoner.

God’s presence: this is my hope. Emmanuel, God with us. This Christmas name holds true today and always. God is present in such a time as this. How do I know? I know because I see God in these suffering souls. These friends and families who are in pain and in grief, they pray on, they fight on, they stand firm, they stand tall because they believe God is with them in their sufferings.

How do I know? I asked. How are you these days?
Here is the answer:
I’m stable but in pain. It feels like a dog with sharp teeth is biting my right chest n won’t let go. I’m surviving thru much prayers, esp at night when I can’t lie down. God is good. He makes me sleep when I’m exhausted. I’m truly thankful for that.

God is good. He is with my friend. This is my hope. God is present even and especially in such a time as this.

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