This new bloom from my okra plant tells me that an okra is coming soon. When I see the flower closes, I expect that with right water…
Exodus 2:23 Now it came about in the course of those many days that the king of Egypt died. And the sons of Israel sighed because of…
A church in peace and strength amidst the crisis…Saul used to drag Christians to put them to jail. (Acts 9:1-2)Then he met Jesus on the way to…
Never would/could I imagine that I would be crying in front of a crowd trying feebly to express my words of sympathy to grieving friends and families…
What if I get sick… what if I fail the exam… what if I don’t get the job… what to do when there’s not enough money to…
This morning, I woke with a sense of sadness and helplessness… sad for my suffering & grieving friends.. sadder still that there seems to be nothing I…
In an episode of the TV series of the New Amsterdam, the story of the depressed American Chinese youth, Amy who stepped off the subway platform onto…
Rest… what comes to your mind when you see this word? A friend observed: “God has enforced REST upon many of us during the lockdown… Rest from…
In a bible study, my group mate once asked: Why do we have to suffer for us to know God? Why do we remember God only when…
Question: Why do bad things happen to good people and good things happen to bad people? For Christians, we often say ‘God allows it. It’s his sovereignty.’…