Nope, not me… Don’t children quickly deny whenever mom or dad asks: Who broke the vase or who spilled the milk? The disciples of Jesus were certainly…
Marlene Go
So near yet so far… what a pity! The Israelites were right at the doorstep of the promised land after going through so much: enemies in pursuit,…
I learned swimming when I was middle-aged. I swim backstroke most of the time coz that’s the easiest for me. I was impatient to learn the basics…
The story of Joseph interpreting the dreams of Pharaoh is a familiar one – 7 years of abundance and 7 years of famine. (Gen. 41) Joseph not…
One morning years ago, I couldn’t get the car engine to start after i pushed the on button. I thought I got the wrong key. Pushed the…
There is no doubt that the gap between the rich and the poor in the world is getting bigger than ever before. It is a sad reality…
Do you know that when I was small, I used to go hide in the bedroom when visitors come? Perhaps mama named me 静(quiet) 薇 (small) because…
From 2 Samuel 3:1-5, 5:13-16, I read of the names of David’s sons. 6 born in Hebron, 11 born in Jerusalem. A question comes to mind: How…
This morning, my reading is on Daniel 1 & 2.. quite a familiar story. Daniel, a young captive from Jerusalem taken to Babylon to enter into King…
1) Having a beautiful wife: Twice, Abraham asked Sarah to pose as his sister – once to Pharaoh in Egypt (Gen 12) and another to King Abimelech…