For me to live is Christ, to die is gain. Philippians 1:21 This verse came to mind one morning. How? It came about as I think about…
Marlene Go
One morning long time ago, I heard my mother-in-law praying in Hokkien: Tsu-ah, di ho goa eh sue kah tengh hey siu ho e ng hok sai…
Question: Have u ever thought about how people will feel when u leave them? I have. What do I think about it? I’ve wondered and thought… would…
My Quiet Place
The Story of Abraham and Abimelech – through the lens of the silent wife
by Marlene Goby Marlene GoAbraham and Abimelech (Genesis 20 ESV)1 From there Abraham journeyed toward the territory of the Negeb and lived between Kadesh and Shur; and he sojourned in Gerar.…
February is love month. I am thankful For the times that I’ve bonded with friends from school and from church; friends from the past and friends in…
What most occupies your mind these days, my friend? Safety? Health? Finances? Food?! What catches your attention? Covid news? Marketplaces? What to eat? What to cook? To…
Lento: a tempo that is slow.Tempo, an Italian word, originates from the Latin word, tempus which means time. It was originally used to describe the timing of…
Do you not care, Jesus? Says who? His disciplesWhere? Going to the other side, in the boat, leaving the crowdWhen? that day when the evening came…What happened?…
“Humor is a distraction.” says a friend. I agree. Why? Coz when I was upset, trying to stay away from further arguments with hubby, I’d watch rom-com.…
In a bible study, my group mate once asked: Why do we have to suffer for us to know God? Why do we remember God only when…