A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones. Proverbs 17:22There is a story of an old giant fallen tree in the…
March 2021
The high and the low: that is how we read the weather report – we take note of the hi’s and the low’s. So in marriage and…
For me to live is Christ, to die is gain. Philippians 1:21 This verse came to mind one morning. How? It came about as I think about…
So near yet so far… what a pity! The Israelites were right at the doorstep of the promised land after going through so much: enemies in pursuit,…
This is in my journal written on March 22, 2018: As my mom prayed for me everyday of her life, I pray for my children each time…
饮水思源 is a Chinese proverb, its literal meaning: drink (饮) water (水) think (思) source (源). I remember hubby used to tell me while driving by a…
Deuteronomy 2929 The secret things belong to the Lord our God, but the things revealed belong to us and to our children forever, that we may follow…
Mark 9:14-29 The plea of a desperate father Any parent whose child is sick – very sick and for a long time, knows exactly how the father…
Beef/Radish Kiam Peng – Sunday staple lunch, legacy of my mom in law. Kiam Peng is term for Hokkien paella, our family traditional kiam peng are rice…
Do you know that when I was small, I used to go hide in the bedroom when visitors come? Perhaps mama named me 静(quiet) 薇 (small) because…