From the pit to the prison to the palace… that about summed up the life of Joseph! Is that it? Nope… not quite… He was 17 tending…
Christian growth
In many homes, parents mark their kids’ height on door posts with dates to measure their progress. Each mark compared to the previous ones determines how tall…
Have you ever run a marathon? Have you ever thirst for water in the heat of the sun? How was it like to be panting for water?…
I once listened to a Chinese sermon by James Taylor IV preaching to a church in Taiwan on being a disciple of Jesus. He is the great…
Question… are we allowed to complain to God? Can we gripe about our misery? Can we ask for good things we do not have? Can we tell…
What is authenticity? Authenticity is the condition of being genuine. It imbues the quality of being believable, therefore, trustworthy. Authenticity points to purity, accuracy, legitimacy among many…