The Easy Way Out Short cuts, cutting corners (passing through gasoline stations), the fastest routes, the shortest routes… don’t most of us drivers, have these habits? I…
To forgive or not to forgive… that is the question… Justice and mercy… what is the difference? Justice is about fair treatment of right and wrong. The…
Luke 19:1-10 The journey of conversion: from sinner to saint… Zacchaeus’ journey started with running then climbing a tree. Luke 19:4 Why? He was trying to see…
Which is more difficult to forgive or to forget? How about doing something good for the one who offended you even when you really do not feel…
How do you feel if a friend offended you – say bad things behind your back? I felt sad and disappointed. Indeed a wrong done often causes…
Haayyy.. Forgive again? I’m so tired already. Why do I have to forgive again and again? It’s like going round in circles. The hurts never seem to…
From the pit to the prison to the palace… that about summed up the life of Joseph! Is that it? Nope… not quite… He was 17 tending…
For quite some time, I have a burden in my heart to make peace… I have tried before. Sometime I succeeded, and it brought me joy. But…
From the pit to the prison to the palace… that about summed up the life of Joseph! Is that it? Nope… not quite… He was 17 tending…