Living in Covid Times

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What’s on your mind, Marlene? Facebook asked. “Let the Spirit visit you.” said my professor… his tip on what to write about. More and more, I see the wisdom in his counsel.

The Holy Spirit is my guide to wise living: being, thinking, feeling, speaking, doing. Being a follower of Jesus, what should I do? How I think affects how I act or react. When I am angry, what words come out of my mouth? When I am hurting, how do I deal with the pain? When others are sad, what is my response? All these are options to write about. So what do I want to say?

Covid concerns… numbers are rising. Hospitals are full. Meds, oxygen and life-saving options are running low. Each time I listened to Covid-related stories, I feel sad for those who are sick and whose families are affected. I am frustrated with the situation – hopeless n helpless like we’re getting back to square 1 after a year since the first lockdown… I have also been anxious, even paranoid coz i can never know ‘if’ I have it or not.

BUT most of all, I am thankful… I thank the Lord for the gift of life. Everyday is a new day to experience his grace and mercy. His mercies are new every morning. I choose joy in spite of many challenges living in the pandemic world today. Gratitude and contentment = joyful living. It is not easy. I have been thru depression. It comes and goes but always God sees me through. He used people in my life to help me overcome – from the dark into the light, from down in the pit to stand again in the sun.

Amidst all these emotional struggles, I realize more and more the need for wisdom everyday. How wise of Solomon to ask for wisdom! When God told him to ask for what he wanted, Solomon did not ask for health or wealth, honor or favor with men. He asked for God to show him how to be a good king. So God gave him what he asked for… wisdom plus all the other blessings that came with seeking God’s favor.

Today, in Covid times, let me be wise in making choices. If I go out to do things I ‘think’ I want or need to do, I am risking my health along with those I love or live with. Are these things really urgent? Important? Urgent and important can be 2 different things. If I believe everything I read on the news without checking the facts, I might make wrong choices. What I do or say or write about influence people one way or another.

Lord, you are wise, loving and mighty God. You still hold the world in your righteous right hand. You are able to fulfill your purpose for your glory because you love perfectly. Holy Spirit, teach me to number my days that I may gain a heart of wisdom to be a faithful follower of Jesus in whose name I pray, Amen.

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