Birds of the same feather flock together. Who are you flocking with? Who influence you most? When I was young, I flocked with friends who were leaders and dominant people. It was easy – I followed where they led. I did what they did. I sang what they sang. I hanged out where they did. Good thing they were good leaders who got me involved in music, in church ministries, and in being a follower of Jesus.
Mark recorded in the gospel that one time, Jesus’ mother and brothers arrived while he was preaching. The crowd told him that his family were looking for him. How did Jesus reply?
Mark 3:33 Answering them, He *said, “Who are My mother and My brothers?” 34 Looking about at those who were sitting around Him, He *said, “Behold My mother and My brothers! 35 For whoever does the will of God, he is My brother and sister and mother.”
Jesus said that we are his brothers and sisters when we obey God just like He did. His obedience led him to be human to be hungry like us, to be tempted like us (yet He did not give in to temptation.), to be thirsty like us, to grieve/cry like us (when his friend Lazarus died.) He followed God’s will to die on the cross for the sins of the world – to suffer shame and being forsaken by God as he paid the penalty for our sins so that we could become right with God. And we then have the right to become children of God – brothers and sisters of Jesus. We who accept Jesus as our Savior are called to be like Him – doing God’s will.
Life in Christ as his brother, or sister or mother is abundant and free (as the song goes: New life in Christ, abundant and free.) It is free but not cheap – it came with the blood and flesh of Jesus. It is abundant yet not without difficulties. Doing God’s will is about experiencing peace even when life is hard. It is about loving people even if they are unlovable. It is being light and salt of the world – to be in the world yet not of the world. It is being joyful in the face of suffering. The world is a sad and evil place. It is so because of sin. Yet God’s children shine for Him in the darkness when they bravely face the problems of life – sickness, bad people, broken relationships, financial challenges, natural calamities, and all the realities of life. Amidst all these, they experience God’s peace that is beyond human understanding. They can rejoice because they obey God’s call and will for them.
How are you doing today, dear friend? Are you a brother or sister of Jesus? Are you doing what God wills for you? How do you know? Read the Bible. Find out and experience shalom – a wholeness and well-being of mind, body and soul.
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