What do you wear to work? Many companies provide employees with uniforms. Uniforms distinguish people in their jobs.
In the OT, God specified garments for his priests. Moses recorded a whole chapter in Exodus 28 describing the priestly garment. Why did God put so much details into this? “Make sacred garments for your brother Aaron to give him dignity and honor. Tell all the skilled workers to whom I have given wisdom in such matters that they are to make garments for Aaron, for his consecration, so he may serve me as priest.”
CEO’s wear suits, judges put on robes, doctors, white coats, nurses, white caps, even the street sweepers have uniforms. Aaron’s priestly garment was meant to give him dignity and honour. God assigned skilled workers to make the garment ‘for his consecration.’ Consecration is the solemn dedication to a special purpose or service.
Christians are called to put on Christlikeness as our uniform. (Romans 13:14) We are to be kingdom of priests – dedicated to a special purpose to serve God. (1 Peter 2:9)
When people see you, do they know you are a Christian? What uniform are you wearing?
I am a wife, a mother, a daughter n friend. How I respect my husband is my uniform? Is it tainted or clean? How I teach my children is my uniform? Is it in order or torn? How I honour my parents is my uniform? Is it honourable or shabby? Do I love my neighbor? Is my uniform clean or dirty?
When I put on my BSF GL cap, do I mean what I say and say what I mean? Are my lips clean? Is my heart pure?
Create in me a clean heart o God and renew a right spirit within me. Psalm 51:10
May these words of my mouth and this meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer. Psalm 19:14